After one last review of 12z data, this will be Mike and I's final snowmap (2nd map overall). Only real significant change was to tweak the latter range. Upgraded the initial area of 12+ from locally higher (dashed hollow) to widespread (filled in) across eastern New England and issued a new locally higher area just downwind from this area that extends back to northeast suburbs of Philadelphia. In here, still expect amounts to be in the 8-12" range with highest amounts (10-12) on the eastern periphery (roughly from I-95 eastward). However, good chance some areas will see higher than 12" so hence area of locally higher that was inserted (dashed hollow). Outside of that, 1st map still looks in good shape, so no need to make any wholesale changes. I think the highest amounts end up falling in the Worcester Hills area of Northeast CT/Northwest RI/Central MA extending up into interior Maine. Localized amounts here may end up reaching 20".